Indiana to Make $20 Million Available to Help Local Governments Slow COVID-19 Spread

As Indiana tightens COVID-19-related restrictions, it’s also providing funding to help local governments enforce them. Governor Eric Holcomb announced Wednesday that $20 million is being made available for enforcement and mitigation efforts.

“Local governments, including cities and towns and counties may request funds for such items as local event plan review and public awareness and education and compliance,” Holcomb explained.

Holcomb said the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission will continue working with local governments to make sure businesses are following the rules, when it comes to occupancy, social distancing, and face coverings. “Businesses are required to place signage at their public and employee entrances, notifying all that face coverings are required,” Holcomb added. “Businesses should admit only those who wear face coverings, practice social distancing, and follow requirements when counties are orange and red.”

Restaurants and bars may only serve customers if they’re seated and must keep separate parties six feet apart.