State Health Commissioner Issues Updated COVID-19 Testing Guidelines

Indiana is updating its COVID-19 testing guidelines.

During a press conference Wednesday, State Health Commissioner Dr. Kris Box said that those who show symptoms but don’t have to be hospitalized should be tested, if they fall into certain high-risk categories: “Because of their diabetes, they’re immuno-compromised, we further clarified that pregnant women are considered in that group and need to be tested, individuals that have high blood pressure, or other medical conditions that place them at risk,” she said.

Box added that the State Department of Health is distributing another 3,000 testing kits to hospital systems that are critically low. She’s also been notified that Indiana will get 15 rapid testing machines developed by Abbott. “I do not know when I’ll receive those or exactly how we’ll be using those, but that will be in the planning process in the next 24 to 48 hours, making sure that we’re ready to add to the capacity of testing here in the State of Indiana as quickly as possible,” she explained.

Box said that while testing capacity continues to increase, supplies are still limited.