Approximately $5,000 Donated to Assist Argos Schools’ Christmas Gift Program

The Argos School Board accepted a number of donations when they met this week.

Superintendent Ned Speicher said a majority of the money that was donated was for a special program that assists Argos kids.

He shared, “There were quite a few donations for a Christmas project for needy families”

Superintendent Speicher added that the practical items that are purchased are meant to be helpful for the remainder of the cold-weather season and future winters.

He explained how what the money is used for, “Buying things like coats and gloves and boots and hats, things that young children need that will be good for them to get at Christmas.”

Speicher said the program is collectively run with assistance from staff as well as student council members.

He noted, “It’s kind of a ‘blind’ thing where they don’t know exactly where they’re going so it doesn’t impact kids in a negative way but the whole school gets into it and it makes them feel good that they’re helping out others.

Speicher mentioned that altogether, the donations for the program totaled around $5,000. He said the gifts were wrapped up during the week and will be delivered to families this weekend.