Argos School Board Approves Quote for Auditorium Upgrade

The Argos School Board considered quotes for the school’s auditorium upgrade project when members met on Monday.

Superintendent Ned Speicher provided a reminder about what the project will entail.

He explained, “Our auditorium upgrade is basically taking the auditorium controls and that from analog to digital to actually bring us into the 21st Century.”

He said two quotes were considered during the school board’s meeting this week. Associated Controls provided a bid of $136,000 and Pro Audio presented school officials with bid of $125,000.

School Board members voted unanimously to approve the lowest bid from Pro Audio.

Speicher noted that Pro Audio also included some add-ons, such as a new projector and additional wireless access points that totaled $16,000. He mentioned that even with the add-ons, their quote comes in under the initial estimated cost for the project.