Volunteers Needed During Fair Week for Argos Jr./Sr. High ‘Dragon Diner’

The Marshall County Fair will be here before you know it and the Argos Jr./Sr. High School is seeking some helpful community members who would be interested in assisting with the Dragon Diner this year.

According to school officials, the Jr./Sr. High hosts this food booth each year. All proceeds raised go to assist various clubs and groups within the school to help them fund different activities throughout the year.

Student and adult volunteers are being asked to help out.  They need at least two adults to work for each shift, with one covering the grill and the other manning the fryer. As of last Monday, there were still several spots left to fill.

This year, the fair will run from Sunday, July 14 through Friday, July 19. If you’re able to work the ‘Dragon Diner’ on any of those days, reach out to Kelli VanDerWeele by email at kvanderweele@argos.k12.in.us or by texting 574-360-2959.