Starke County Health Department Offers Bat Bite Treatment Tips

If you ever get bitten by a bat, the Starke County Health Department wants you to know what steps to take to protect yourself from rabies. Health officials note that people can usually tell when they’ve been bitten, but bite marks may disappear quickly, due to the animals’ small teeth.

If you get bitten, wash the area with soap and water and get medical help immediately. The same goes for if a bat’s saliva or brain material somehow gets into your eyes, nose, mouth, or a wound.

If possible, capture the bat and call your local health department about having it sent to the state lab for testing. Health officials suggest calling animal control or a wildlife conservation agency for help. If you have to capture a bat yourself, instructions can be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. If the bat ends up getting killed, the Starke County Health Department recommends bagging it and placing it in a freezer, to preserve its brain matter until it can be sent in for testing.

Those who have never been vaccinated against rabies before will be given a vaccine, along with a passive antibody, according to health officials. Three additional doses of the vaccine are given over the following two weeks.

If a pet gets bitten by a bat, contact a veterinarian or the health department immediately, and have the bat tested. The Starke County Health Department reminds pet owners to keep vaccinations current for cats and dogs, as well as other animals.