Stay Safe from Criminals during Holiday Shopping

As you go about your Christmas shopping, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security has a few tips to keep you safe from criminals.

If you’ll be shopping online, stick to well-known, reputable websites, and be sure to use a secure Internet connection. State officials recommend using a virtual credit card, which can only be used once and is offered by many banks. Protect your information by using complex passwords, and keep your virus protection and computer security software up-to-date.

If you plan to head to the stores over the holidays, try not to carry large amounts of cash or large purses and wallets, and park in a well-lit area. Leave small children with a babysitter, if possible, to avoid distractions in crowded areas. IDHS Executive Director Bryan J. Langley urges shoppers to stay aware of their surroundings and to avoid using their cell phones while walking.