No Hire Yet for County Engineer/Director

The Marshall County Commissioners have not yet hired a person to fill the vacancy of Highway Administrator Laurie Baker. Baker’s retirement begins at the end of the business day today.

During a specially-called meeting of the Marshall County Commissioners this morning, a media question was posed regarding the hiring of a county engineer/director position at the highway department. The position has a new job description which is designed to replace the highway administrator title. Commissioner Kurt Garner explained that three applications were received and two people were interviewed for the position. The commissioners offered the job to one of the applicants and that person turned down the offer. They aren’t planning to offer the job to the other applicant interviewed.

As they made their annual appointments at the highway department, the commissioners opted to leave that vacancy open for the time being. However, Jason Peters was reappointed as highway supervisor with the understanding that job descriptions and roles may change once a county engineer/director is in place.

The commissioners did approve a motion to advertise for a parts manager at the highway department. They may seek part-time help to cover the vacancy of a clerk’s position at the highway department.