A Plymouth landmark is a step closer to preservation. Ownership of the Rees Theater was transferred to the Wythougan Valley Preservation Council on Jan. 26. That places the building into 501c3 nonprofit status, which qualifies it for various grants and philanthropic community gifting to fund restoration efforts.
A project committee is working to meet a Feb. 1 grant application date with the Marshall County Community Foundation.
Restoration work on the structure’s exterior masonry façade and marquee is set to begin this spring. Some of the specialized trades may come from the surrounding area, thanks to references from the Marshall County Builders Association prior to the soliciting of bids.
Public input is still being sought as to the interior space and end use of the facility. Residents will have a chance to weigh in Thursday evening. The Wythougan Valley Preservation Council is hosting a 5:30 p.m. meeting at Wild Rose Moon on the preservation of Marshall County landmarks, including the Rees Theater.