Marshall County is preparing for the adoption of the Buggy Ordinance.
The measure was brought forward for a second reading during the County Commissioners’ meeting, Monday morning. The ordinance proposes a licensing fee for horse drawn vehicles to help compensate the county for damage to local roadways.
The county has proposed employing the services of a bank in the eastern portion of the Marshall County to make access easier for local Amish populations.
According to officials with the County Highway Department, the buggies used by the groups, in addition to the horses, can cause damage to the pavement. Once the licensing fees are collected, estimated at a cost of $50 per vehicle, plus a separate processing fee, the money would be used toward the Marshall County Highway Department’s MVH fund.
At least one Commissioner has argued that the county should have a comprehensive road plan in place prior to raising taxes and fees on any segment of the population.
The Commissioners approved the measure on second reading on a 2-1 vote. Kurt Garner voted against the ordinance.