Regional Cities of Northern Indiana Seeks Project Submissions

Proposals to transform the economy of Marshall and surrounding counties are being sought as part of a grant application. The Regional Cities of Northern Indiana Group is looking for projects that enhance the community and transform the economy of Marshall, St. Joseph, Elkhart and Kosciusko Counties. Ideas are due May 1st. The four-county coalition is seeking grant funds from the State of Indiana’s Regional Cities Initiative. Their criteria requires distinct, feasible projects with realistic budgets, return-on-investment calculations and clear timelines. Projects should not take more than 12 months to complete and should be funded through a public-private partnership that consists of 60-percent private sector money augmented by 20-percent co-investments from state and local government.

Project areas that will be considered include infrastructure, redevelopment of blighted physical assets, cultural amenities, quality of place, industry-specific development, education and incumbent workforce, innovation and technology and talent attraction. The Regional Cities of Northern Indiana steering and strategy committees will review the project applications. They are due May 1st. Find more information and the project intake form online at