Triple A Studies Teen Driving, Distraction Levels High

A video analysis of teen driving has shown evidence that distracted driving is more of a problem than previous thought.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reviewed video evidence and found that distraction was a factor in about 6 of 10 moderate-to-severe crashes when teens were the drivers. Information released by AAA suggests that’s four times higher than the data suggests based on police reports.

Distraction can include cell phone use, singing to music, grooming, and reaching for an object.

In the study, the six seconds leading up to the crashes was analyzed. 1,700 videos were reviewed which showed that distraction was a factor in 58-percent of all crashes, and even higher in road departures.

Teens are considered to have the highest crash rate of any segment of the population in the United States.

AAA recommends that parents restrict vehicle passengers for their teens during the learning process. Teaching teens the dangers of cell phone use while driving is also considered critical in the accident prevention process.