Public transportation offered by Marshall County Council on Aging is in high demand. Funding to keep up with the demand has caused legislators to get involved.
The Public Mass Transportation Fund has not received any additional money for seven years. The funding is distributed among 65 public and nonprofit agencies that are offering transportation by reservation or on-demand. Often officials at the Marshall County Council on Aging have to turn down requests for trips due to lack of drivers, vehicles and available money.
The Indiana Citizens’ Alliance for Transit and partners are launching the INvest INtransit campaign to help meet the demand for public transportation.
ICAT supports a bi-partisan proposal by Indiana legislators, who agree that transit funds need to be increased in order to meet Hoosiers’ demand and need for public transportation.
House Bill 1215 has been introduced in the legislature that would boost the Public Mass Transportation Fund up to $60 million.
For more information about the initiative, visit