Culver Community High School Gets Money for Project Lead the Way

Culver Community High School students will have an opportunity to prepare for college thanks to the generosity of the Culver Redevelopment Commission. They gave the school corporation $50,000 to cover the cost of equipment for participation in Purdue’s Project Lead the Way curriculum. School Superintendent Dr. Vicki McGuire says it was quite a surprise to hear how much they were receiving from the commission.

“The Redevelopment Commission gave us $10,000 to get started. Well it’s going to be a lot more expensive than that because we have Apple computers and Project Lead the Way is going to take PC’s. So we have to buy a bunch of equipment, then I was so excited tonight when I went there and they upped it to $50,000,” said McGuire.

McGuire says there are many different programs available through Project Lead the Way. Culver chose the engineering curriculum. Project Lead the Way has developed a four-year sequence of technology education courses. They introduce students to the scope, rigor and discipline of engineering and engineering technology prior to entering college. For more information about Project Lead the Way visit,